ExplorE PNG partners with traditional communities in coastal Papua New Guinea to invite small groups of tourists on
remote wilderness expeditions.
Running limited season stays on our island marine sanctuary out in the Coral Sea, as well as hosting expeditions into remote wilderness areas, Explore PNG aims to promote conservation through ecotourism whilst educating and supporting local community in non-destructive sustainable economic pathways.
We visit, we explore, we give back…
Marine sanctuary
Explore PNG is built on partnerships, trust and the understanding of local customs, culture and needs. We have developed a unique place to visit, with minimal impact and strong community involvement, where visitors arrive as a guest but leave as a part of the place…
Our plan was not to create a tourism project that supported conservation and traditional culture, instead we wanted to build a cultural conservation project that supported mindful tourism.
Explore PNG is founded by Australian photographer and conservationist Daryl (Daz) Byrne, who has spent a lifetime in remote wilderness and first fell in love with Papua New guinea after spending 5 months in a kayak travelling from Australia to PNG and along its southern coast to Milne Bay.
After more than 20 years in the region, diving, exploring, photographing and hosting guests at his first island lodge, Daz recognised the need to expand conservation efforts, through sustainable economy, in to other remote and wild places.
His aim is to create remote wilderness conservation areas that work hand in hand with traditional cultures, supported through ecotourism, benefactors and the sale of sustainable cottage industry products sourced from local communities.
We visit, we explore, we give back…
Here is our latest info pack, please scroll through for a read
or download the PDF.